Monday, December 17, 2007

Mon., 12/17

Just a quick update to let you know what's going on. Donny was in for a couple of days last week and enjoyed some time with Mom. He and I went to see Dad for a while on Friday while Mom was at dialysis. Dad's first reaction to seeing us was "Are we going home now?" It's really hard to visit him when he's constantly badgering you as to why he's there and he wants to go home. Mom has a hard time with that too. Anyway, he did know Donny and me and that was good. We didn't stay very long and took him into the Activity Room and said goodbye. They were getting ready to play "Penny Ante", whatever that is.

Mom and I went to see him Saturday and he was asleep. We stayed about a half hour and couldn't get him to stay awake long enough to talk to us. We went to Cracker Barrel and had dinner and then I took her home.

Yesterday, the 16th, was Mom's 80th birthday. Thanks to everyone who called, and she had a lot of calls. I think that got her through the day. The weather was so bad by the time she got ready to go visit Dad that we didn't go. So my daughter and son-in-law came over and fixed her VCR so that she could watch a movie (which she loves to do). It was also their 59th (I think) wedding anniversary. She didn't mention that and neither did I. I thought it might be painful for her.

To those of you who read this: please keep the calls and cards coming! Sometimes it's easy to forget there are people out there thinking of you and holding you up in prayer, and that's what's getting us through this time - God's help.

Love to all,

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